Saturday, May 31, 2014

Madrid syndrome

When you've lived and worked in Madrid for a while, you tend to develop what I call "Madrid syndrome". There are various symptoms, and I list some them here:

i) Wearing a jacket or pullover even when the daily high reaches 25C

ii) Feeling disappointed when ordering a beer or wine, and only getting olives or crisps as a free snack

iii) Going for lunch at 3pm and thinking it unexceptional.

iv) Feeling sorry that anyone has to live in Barcelona.

v) Realising you just don't watch television any more. Even if you had the time, you wouldn't.

vi) Feeling some kind of strange pride that the tap water is far better than in the home town.

vii) Thinking that Madrid has the best in most things, including potato crisps and imported sea-food.

viii) Using the word "Sol" to describe a district, and expecting others to understand.

ix) Thinking breakfast consists of a coffee, with perhaps a specialised doughnut (churros) on the side.

x) Getting annoyed that one night a week the bins aren't emptied.

Is there a cure? I suspect not...

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