One group that has been set up to try and help the jobless and/or homeless is called ServeTheCity. It basically looks for people working/living in Madrid to use their free time to help those less fortunate than themselves. I cannot guarantee that my own business can survive the coming months or years - although I am exploring every avenue to encourage people to use my bookshop. Nevertheless, so long as the Blogger service is up and this blog is running, (hopefully) people will read this entry, and if they are based in Madrid and have some free time to give, they can give something back to the city. Please share the site for ServeTheCity with anyone you know who lives/works in Madrid.
Serve the City is a movement of volunteers serving cities in practical ways & inspiring people to be “givers” in this world. We believe that many people doing small things together can make a big difference in our world. With this initiative we want to show that we believe in making Madrid a better place to live!
There must be a lot to do for the ServeTheCity.