Although the bookshop has only been going since the autumn, I personally have gotten to know Madrid on and off for over 20 years.
The other day I realised that I didn't know where the nearest copy shop was. I'm sure a few still exist, but I suspect most have been rendered obsolete by the availability of cheap printers and (more recently) the ability of smart phones and tablets to take photographs.
At a later point I intend to write an article listing the shops that have disappeared and those that have taken their place.
Today however I will produce a quick "Going Up" and "Going Down" summary of shops in Madrid.
Going UP:
Fancy baking shops selling cup cakes or tarts - these shops are mushrooming everywhere (forgive the pun)
"GrowShops" - I'm not really sure how these places are legal, if indeed they are.
Gifts and ornaments for pets - It seems there are pet lovers here, despite Spain's reputation.
Retro and second-hand clothing shops - No-one likes the term second-hand though.
Ham products - Seriously, there are shops selling ham rolls, ham pies etc. Not sure how they can compete with the bars who serve the same thing...
Going DOWN:
Internet shops/cafes - Since so many places offer free wi-fi, not much custom left for the dedicated internet cafe, although they still exist.
Book shops - Yes we're under threat, please support your local independent bookstore! But there have been new bookstores open in Madrid, and according to this article bookreading is experiencing a revival in Spain.
Copy shops - these were once huge in Madrid.
Travel shops - Yes, our young friend the internet...
Newspaper kiosks/shops - And again the web effect. Not that all have closed, but I do wonder how the existing ones keep going.
I'm sure I've missed something here, so will no doubt come and edit accordingly. Meanwhile please look at the picture below of books...don't let them die out! ;)
The independent book shops should be alive!