Thursday, February 13, 2014

If I were X.

Yesterday wasn't such a bad day; there were various visitors to the shop at different times, and the feedback from the internet wasn't bad either. Today however looks like being a bit quieter, and at these times I start to wonder what famous business people would do in my shoes in order to improve sales in the bookshop.

For example "If I were Michael O'leary (of Ryanair fame)" perhaps I'd sell books at a cent each, but charge for the cover...

"If I were Florentino Perez (big spending president of Real Madrid)" I'd pay to get JK Rowling or Stephen King to attend a bookselling event...

"If I were Lord Alan Sugar" I'd run a weekly competition in the shop, and tell a new person each week "You're Fired!"

What would you do?


  1. As I absolutely love Mary Berry and the Great British Bake off. I would prepare an gorgeous afternoon tea table in the window with very very pretty cakes.
    Then the promotion would be buy a book and get a cupcake for free. They would look so tempting....

